Callanish Stone Circles, Isle of Lewis

Callanish Stone Circles, Isle of Lewis

Away from the famous/popular Callanish Stone Circle on Lewis in the Outer Hebrides there are a number of other stone circles in the immediate area (less than about one kilometer from the busy main site).  If you seek a bit of a solitude and you find the main stone...
XXVII : Drying Peat, North Uist

XXVII : Drying Peat, North Uist

  Field Notes Cutting the peat for fuel is still a way of life for some of those living in the Highlands and Islands of Scotland.  After the peat is cut from the ground it is stacked in almost small pyramid like structures consisting of five pieces of peat...
On Huisinis Beach

On Huisinis Beach

  Huisinis Beach is on Harris in the Outer Hebrides.  It is about 14 miles down a single track road, with only 4 houses at the end of it – that said those four houses get served by a bus three times a day and the post box must get checked more often than my...

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