Huisinis Beach is on Harris in the Outer Hebrides.  It is about 14 miles down a single track road, with only 4 houses at the end of it – that said those four houses get served by a bus three times a day and the post box must get checked more often than my local one.  The beach here is lovely and a lot quieter than other beaches on Harris and in the evenings you can have it to yourself.  Above are three takes on the same subject on Huisinis Beach – a sort of iron ball that floats (click to see them LARGE).  If you know what it is please let me know!  All taken using Fufi Velvia 50 on my Bronica SQa.  My favourite is the last iron ball shot, nice and muted.

I also tried some longish exposure shots of the gentle waves coming on to the beach – not quite of a David Baker standard, but pleasing enough.

Shell, Huisinis Beach, Harris, Outer Hebrides, Scotland

Shell, Huisinis Beach, Harris, Outer Hebrides, Scotland

Huisinis Beach, Harris, Outer Hebrides, Scotland

Wave, Huisinis Beach, Harris, Outer Hebrides, Scotland



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