by alastair | Jul 2, 2019 | Cornwall, Lake District, News, North Wales, Northumberland, Outer Hebrides, Peak District, Scotland, Venice, Yorkshire
I’m talking again, this time at the Patchings Arts Festival in Nottingham. I’ll be talking about photographic project work and keeping it local in my talk entitled “Close to Home”. You can find out more about timings and the event by visting...
by alastair | May 3, 2019 | Cornwall, News
in one of my earlier posts (here), I briefly discussed the freedom that actually carrying your camera brings versus keeping it tucked away safely in your camera bag. It allows for a level of creativity that perhaps you don’t get when you use your tripod.I came...
by alastair | Apr 23, 2019 | Cornwall, News, Outer Hebrides
In my previous blog post, I touched upon the freedom and creativity that walking with a camera in your hand brings about versus keeping it packed away in your rucksac waiting for the right shot to present itself. On the flipside, there is the time, space and silence...
by alastair | Apr 14, 2019 | Cornwall, News
Cornish Abstract PhotographyWith schools being out earlier in South Yorkshire, we decided to head to Cornwall. Cornwall is a part of the country I have only visited once before, so I was keen to give it a go – more so as the distance to get there in terms of...