landscape and nature photographer
I’m a non-award winning and occasionally published landscape photographer based on the edge of the North York Moors National Park England. I tend towards landscape, environmental and nature photography in what I do, but have been known from time to time to dabble in street photography. The Peak District, Snowdonia in North Wales, the Lake District and the Outer Hebrides of Scotland are all places that I love to photograph when I get the opportunity. Having recently moved to North Yorkshire, I’m finding that photography is a good way to get acquainted with the area.
I’ve never felt a strong need to travel abroad to take photographs when we have so much to discover and explore in Great Britain. I even feel slightly guilty travelling all the way to the Outer Hebrides, when I’m having to drive past so much beauty to get there – sometimes the scraggy woodland and allotments behind my home in Sheffield are enough for me. That said, I did spend six weeks traveling around Europe in my campervan in 2018 with my wife, kids and dog – it still feels like I’m editing the pictures from that trip now! My most recent work can be found here.
My photography is about capturing the moment (or moments as time passes) and conveying a sense of place. In my work I hope to convey a feeling of solitude, being alone in the woods and a connectedness to nature. I also try to tie my photography back to the history of the land and the people – or at least understand more about what I’m taking a picture of. Photography for me is an opportunity to slow down, learn more, enjoy the peace and quiet of nature (and enjoy some coffee from my flask!). When I’m photographing the landscape I’m always hoping that I capture a wee bit of that calm and peace – I don’t always get it right, but that is my hope.
You can hear me talk about my love of pinhole photography in this interview with BBC Radio Derbyshire – (From 11 minutes and 20 seconds) https://soundcloud.com/alexhowick-1/oldfashioned.
- 2013 – Onlandscape, 4 x 4 , On Gardoms Edge, 9th February 2013 – http://www.onlandscape.co.uk/2013/02/on-gardoms-edge/
- 2016 – Onlandscape, 4 x 4, 19th February 2016 – https://www.onlandscape.co.uk/2016/02/subscribers-4×4-portfolios-108/
- 2017 – “Scottish Landscape Photographer of the Year Book 3”
- 2018 – Outdoor Photography Magazine (OP229) – Viewpoints – Ardnamurchan
- 2018 – Onlandscape, End Frame, 23rd September 2018 – https://www.onlandscape.co.uk/2018/09/east-branch-middle-brook-somerset-county-new-jersey-william-neill/
- 2018 – Outdoor Photography Magazine – Viewpoints – Sutherland’s Grove
- May 2014 – BBC Radio Derbyshire – (from 11 minutes and 20 seconds) https://soundcloud.com/alexhowick-1/oldfashioned
- October 2014 – Hothouse 2014 – presentation about “Ties to the Land” pinhole photography project
- October 2016 – Onlandscape Conference – presentation about “Ties to the Land” pinhole photography project – https://youtu.be/DPO8_zz9tg4
- November 2018 – Connected : Landscape Inspired – talk entiled “If this land is yours, where are your stories?”
- Connected 2014, Patchings Art Centre, Nottinghamshire
- Connected 2015, Patchings Art Centre, Nottinghamshire
- Connected 2017, Patchings Art Centre, Nottinghamshire
- Connected 2018, Patchings Art Centre, Nottinghamshire
- None!
Honourable Mentions
- Top 50 in the inaugural Pilkington Prize for Photography 2015
- “Commended”, Seascape Category – Scottish Landscape Photographer of the Year 2017
I can be found in lots of places on line (in order of use) :-
- Twitter – @alastairsross – though be warned its not all photography and it can get inane
- Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/alastairrossphoto/
- Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/alastairrossphotography
Please note that all images are copyrighted, if you are interested in either buying a print or licencing an image please contact me via the form below.
Saltwick Bay and Whitby, North Yorkshire
Back before the schools in England and Wales broke up, I took a couple of days off and took myself and the campervan up to a carvan site just outside of Whitby. The beauty of this site was that it was just above Saltwick Bay with its two Nabs (the more obvious one is...
Fishy Business
I’ve finally started to have a good long look at the photographs that I took on our family campervan trip over a year ago now. Some are ones that jumped off the back of the camera at me, and others have been a bit of slow burn. I’ve created a page solely for the photography from that trip (no campervan talk) and I am in the process of slowly adding photographs to it.
To “celebrate” this fact, I’m giving away prints and postcards of photographs that I publish on the site.
Xpan Street Photography
Whilst preparing for a talk that I was giving at this year’s Patching Art’s Festival, I came across what I guess can best be described as an accidental project – a project that I didn’t consciously make, but on reviewing (some many years later) does actually hang together quite well as a collection.
Patchings Arts Festival
I’m talking again, this time at the Patchings Arts Festival in Nottingham. I’ll be talking about photographic project work and keeping it local in my talk entitled “Close to Home”.
Lathkill Dale Mist, Peak District
Monday saw me out on a long walk from Monyash, across to Alsop and then looping back round and up the entire length of Lathkill Dale to get back to where I started. I wasn’t out for the photography per se, but I did take the big camera and tripod and was glad that I did for one shot alone.
Peak District Poppies
Out in the Peak Dsitrict yesterday, my reccie of this field became a full blown photography session.
Thanks for taking the time to browse my site. I hope you enjoyed what there was to see? If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Thanks for taking the time to browse my site. I hope you enjoyed what there was to see? If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.