We went away at the end of of May in our camper van and stayed near Bamburgh Castle, but during the day we were out and about. On one of the days we made the trip (pilgrimage??) to Holy Island (or Lindisfarne). We’ve been a number of times before, and always made the effort to be there long enough that the island empties of most tourists as the tide comes in and the island becomes, well an island again! The only (slight) downside to this is that most of the shops close as well, but it does mean that you can get a table in one of the pubs for dinner with the minimum of hassle.
I don’t know anything about the developing, but I really like the contrasty but tonally rich feel you’re getting here, and the composition on the second image is particularly striking, I think – moving into something more abstract.
Good potential with the images here. Would like to see some shots with the ‘blad x pan to give the feel of the wide open spaces (my dream camera but unaffordable). Perhaps the processing would benefit by pushing by one stop perhaps? Struggled with Pan F myself in the past before I got rid of the dark room!
Hi John,
Unfortunately the XPAN gets little air time at present as the standard contents of my camera bag already has three cameras in it (Bronica and three lenses, the pinhole camera and a Canon G10) so there is little space and little inclination on my part to humph around more weight.
On the processing I think the problem is more down to what I must be doing (wrong) than timings, as I get streaks, blotches and a multiple shadows from the film edges. I’m going to try as Ilford suggest using DDX and see if that improves it any. Then again, I could just accept the imperfections as they are, as pinhole images are far from perfect in the first place.