….or does it?
I posted on Twitter the question of “Is the bit on the right distracting?”
I was half expecting the responses to be a bit like those if you ask “Does my bum look big in this?” (NB: Men, the correct answer is “No”), but actually on this occasion I got a differing response – “Yes” – it was distracting. So I cropped the image down. That said I did lose the interesting vein of bluey greeness.
Then the following day I got different responses from friends in the Twittersphere that made me challenge my original thinking about the necessity for a crop – there was more to explore in the original image (and I would agree). So I’m left with two equally compelling images, that said I feel I am now coming full circle and if I had to choose I would probably choose #1
What do you think and why?
Hi Alastair, having had a good look at both I now prefer the original (uncropped) version. My feeling is that the extra detail on the right hand side balances better with the strong left hand vertical but more critically adds a great sense of three dimensional depth in a very Escher-esque kind of way. Something to challenge the eye and encourage more scrutiny. It’s a very satisfying image.
Hello Richard,
Thanks for your feed back (and for such a great course).
I think at the out set when I asked the question I wanted to keep the right hand side in, but thought that the image was t busy enough as it was without having the right hand side in the crop too.
Unadulterated, it is as you say a very satisfying image, with lots of detail to explore. Not too bad for the first shot of the workshop 🙂