Despite the sun not rising until 0700 and only living 20 or so minutes away from Higger Tor, I still felt obliged to get up at 0500 much to my wife’s chagrin. This meant that I arrived in the dark at Higger Tor and made my way up to my favourite spot in that wonderful pre-dawn light with rich blues and deep oranges on the eastern horizon. The week before when photographing Higger Tor from Over Owler Tor at dawn, it was warm, balmy , shorts and T-Shirt weather (complete with midges!), on this day it was hat and gloves weather.
I wasn’t interested in the sunrise itself (as other photographers were that came up later), I was after the glorious light that lifts the darkness and drives away the night. Specifically I was after the morning light lighting up the side of escarpment as you look out toward the neolithic enclosure of Carl Wark and on to Fox House and Longshaw. Adding to this are the light trails of the early morning traffic, showing the passage of time.
By the time the sun broke the horizon I was already packed and heading on to my next spot.